Call for volunteers!

People putting their hands together in a circle holding a plant

As ever we would really like more Greener Berwick subscribers to be actively involved, not only in the ongoing Action Groups, but to help with one-off tasks and organising.

You can volunteer for tasks by emailing

An interesting one off task: Collate Berwick information on recycling, second hand shops and where to get repairs done – just names and addresses - for inclusion in the ‘Berwickshire Green Map’. Others will input the info to the map. The Berwickshire Green Map will promote facilities that aim to help people reduce/reuse/recycle.

Organising: New Greener Berwick Coordinators will be needed later in the year, as it was agreed that the coordination tasks will alternate annually. For more details please contact


Action Groups Update - February 2023


Support The Green Shop, Bridge Street, Berwick