Action Groups Update - February 2025
Transport and Active Travel Action Group
We continue to promote better bus services and bus information through developing links and information exchange with Berwick Town Council (BTC) and the new NCC Bus Engagement team. NCC have now started providing updated timetable posters direct to BTC, to be installed by the Town Wardens, together with supplies of Perspex and back boards for repairing timetable display cases. We look forward to seeing these improvements in action at our next bus stop survey.
Representatives of the Transport Group were invited to join a recent BTC working group to discuss items for inclusion in BTC’s response to the North East Combined Authority (NECA) consultation on the Local Transport Plan. Proposals supported by councillors at the meeting included:
- extension of 20mph zones in the town centre and residential areas, focussing on safe routes to schools;
- recognition of the railway station as a transport interchange, with reorganisation of the bus stops, proper signposting of the different stops, seats and real time passenger information;
- and development of rail ‘passing places’ to allow regular stopping services to be established between Newcastle and Edinburgh without delaying express trains.
On bike matters, we’re promoting the use of the community cargo bike, supporting the new Northumberland Cycling Campaign and contributing to planning for installation of an e-bike charging station in the town centre for visiting cyclists.
Growing Communities Action Group
The Foul Ford raised beds are looking lovely right now with the spring bulbs coming up! If anyone would like to assist with gentle weeding and share a coffee, please join Jo on Monday 17th Feb at 10am.
Our hard workers Joel and John have been putting up wonderful fruit tree supports from reclaimed wood in the Chapel Street bed, a planting day will be advertised shortly and we would love help putting in the new trees.
Anyone who would like to volunteer to garden with us (regularly or irregularly) should email Jo via, all welcome and we can teach you how to weed and tend if you don't already know. We also meet in the pub every couple of months if you'd like to come and get to know us.
Tweed Estuary Pollution Action Group
In addition to our ongoing algae monitoring some new members of the group will start (in March/ April) nitrate monitoring on the North and South Low burns at Goswick
The Environment Agency and Newcastle University have agreed to speak to Greener Berwick wider network on the use of the algae and nitrate data collected by volunteers. This will happen on 6 May …more details to follow.
The group has had protracted correspondence over many months with the Environment Agency following a Freedom of Information request as to how many of the untreated sewage spills in the estuary (now about 400 a year) are considered legal, as per the licences issued by the Agency. We are still waiting for a satisfactory response.
Warm Homes Action Group
Continuing to hold home energy information stall at Repair Cafe sessions, which is proving to be popular
Working on ideas for home energy advice service, to be launched later in the year, subject to funding.
Zero Waste Hub Action Group
Repair Cafe finally has agreement from FoE that our insurance does cover blade sharpening.
Repair Cafe continues to flourish, with regulars as well as new customers. Issues which crop up at each meeting are addressed by Repair Cafe team.
We continue to try to progress setting up a tool library, and we may well now have found a temporary venue, so can continue organising the rest of project.