Action Groups Update - April 2023

Greener Berwick Action Groups Update

Spring greetings to you all!
Greener Berwick continues to get busier with six action groups up and running. Here are some of the things happening:

The Tweed Estuary Pollution Action Group recently met the new Environment Agency Citizen Science employee and she provided new equipment to help Greener Berwick volunteers with the ongoing algae monitoring at the Tweed Estuary. The pic shows more algae appearing now the spring has come. We now have 6-8 volunteers but more are always welcome. Campaigning to improve the combined storm water overflows continues alongside.

Algae on the Tweed Estuary

The Single Use Plastic Action Group is almost ready to make awards to a number of local businesses that have signed up to reduce their single use plastic, and the Zero Waste Hub Action Group are making good progress towards setting up a repair workshop, possibly with an interim pop up workshop in Marygate in the shorter term.

Following the recent visit to the main Northumberland recycling centre Linda Pepper has produced a summary of all you need to know about recycling in this area. Very useful as the whole operation is quite complicated.

The Warm Homes Action Group are in discussion with the county council with the aim of producing guidance to help residents access grants towards energy efficiency, as well as purchasing equipment to help residents assess their energy needs.

The Transport and Active Travel Action Group are also in discussion with the county council concerning our survey results on possible bus service and stop issues and improving cycling route safety through Berwick from north to south.

The Growing Communities Action Group have recently signed a lease on some Berwick town centre land to start the garden going… so more volunteers needed now to get spades in the ground!


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