Action Groups Update - October 2022

Greener Berwick Action Groups continue to make progress:

Greener Berwick Action Groups Update
  • The Transport and Active Travel Group are carrying out a public survey on travel habits to help inform lobbying of NCC for bus service improvements in particular.

  • The Tweed Estuary Pollution Group is working with the Environment Agency on monitoring estuary pollution, as well as raising further questions regarding the operation of storm water overflows.

  • The Single Use Plastic Group is working towards an award system for local businesses who commit to eliminating a defined number of single use plastic items.

  • The Growing Communities Action Group is seeking land for a garden following a walkabout of possible sites earlier this year.

  • Work on zero waste will follow shortly, and may include a visit to Berwick recycling depot to better understand what happens to our waste, and also argue for wider access to the depot for pedestrians and cyclists especially, both of which is currently not possible.

Finally watch out for a possible new action group focused on youth, Berwick Rising!


Great Big Green Week 2022 – how did it go?


Great Big Green Week 2022 programme of events announced!