Action Groups Update - June 2024

Greener Berwick Action Group Updates

Transport and Active Travel Action Group

  1. The Transport group have been pleased to welcome two new members - Moira and Monica.

  2. We are currently focusing on promoting the use of existing bus services.

  3. Collecting information for a map/web page aimed at visitors to Berwick and researching key gaps in the information, services and stops available. Suggestions gratefully received.

Tweed Estuary Pollution Action Group

  1. Algae monitoring ongoing

  2. Three more volunteers

  3. Active discussion with Environmental Agency (EA) and beach clean group on further citizen science volunteering in shape of analysing beach clean items to give EA better picture of what is happening re pollution and marine life/ death on beaches

Growing Communities Action Group

  1. We have organised an event - an Edible Gardening Workshop - on Sunday 30th June at 2pm. We are looking for another 1 or 2 volunteers to join us for the couple of hours where we will be engaging the public, especially kids and their parents, talking to them about what we are doing as an action group but also what wider GB is doing, and facilitating some simple workshops - talk to Jo if you can help out. We would also like someone to offer to draw up a simple photo permission sheet for signatures on the day (Laura), and anyone to help us make a banner or a sign to put up.

  2. Our growing spaces are going well, we still need more volunteers and would love some help doing a press release to get more engagement - any offers?

Warm Homes Action Group

  1. Leafletting ongoing.

  2. Hannah met with the Warm Homes AG to give a talk on her work.

  3. Hope to have an Energy Information table at the next Repair Café – Pepper said she will raise it with the Repair Café Group.

  4. Need to follow-up the funding bid to Friends of the Earth.

Zero Waste Hub Action Group

  1. Interest in Repair Club is increasing, with many repeat customers as well as new ones each month, and RC team need to be clearer about how many different kinds of items can be brought in at any one time.

  2. We are continuing to encourage people wanting repairs to watch how repairs are done, so people can learn for themselves.

  3. RC team need to progress outstanding issues, including moving forward on items outlined in the successful finding bids, which include setting up a tool library – Pepper has an outline of how to do it.

  4. Jo offered to set up EventBrite for managing attendance at workshops.


Come along to our Edible Gardening Workshop


Our Repair Café is one year old!